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360 VS PS3 – FIGHT!

24th May 2010

Sony and Microsoft would have you believe their console is best. Personally I think they’re both great and it really comes down to the games. Both have killer exclusives that makes owning each console worthwhile. Gears of War and Mass Effect are reasons to own a 360 but Uncharted 2 and Little Big Planet make a convincing argument for the PS3. Ever since I can remember there’s been the ‘war of which is better’, Spectrum vs Commodore 64, Amiga or ST, Megadrive vs SNES, Saturn or Playstation, Gamecube vs PS2. The BBC recently put this question to DJ Lazlow, cooly named developer of Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption, who leaned towards the 360 “because of Xbox Live” but went on to say it’s best if “you can afford to buy both”. Interestingly he compares the consoles to the Mac and PC saying “They’re two different tools that do different things.” I heartily agree, unfortunately it’s not cheap to do so.
