Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

‘Who Do We Think We Are?’ Site Goes Live

1st April 2008

The ‘Who Do We Think We Are?’ educational programme engages primary and secondary school teachers in the exploration of identity, diversity and citizenship with children and young people – in their schools, local communities and nationally.

The project follows the recent Curriculum Review on Diversity and Citizenship, undertaken by Sir Keith Ajegbo, which recommended that all schools participate in a high profile, national event – titled ‘Who do we think we are? Week’.
