Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

Royal Museums Greenwich ‘Collections Online’ Website and Touch Screen Pods

The Royal Museums Greenwich (RMG) is the largest institution of its kind in the world, with over 2,000,000 items related to seafaring, navigation and astronomy in its care. We are committed to improving public access to these collections and the expansion of online access forms a key part in this policy.

Gooii  were commisioned to produced a custom website and content management system, with Google Web Toolkit Widgets. Gooii also programmed the interactive touch screen pods, that can be found in the ‘Sammy Ofer’ wing at the Greenwich Museum.

To view the site visit:
Click here to view a video on how to use the touch screen pods.

‘History’s Heroes’ Website and Games

This is a site about heroes but you won’t find Batman or Superman here (unfortunately), you’ll find people who really did exist and made their mark on history.

Built using a bespoke content management system, all programming, design and illustration was produced in-house by Gooii. The website, aimed at 11-14 year olds, features information, quizes, a ‘Speech Maker’ application and games. The site also includes an interactive voting system, allowing visitors to decide if the historical figures featured really were heroes or not.

To view the site visit:

Climate Action Tracker Website

Gooii are proud to have developed and launched the ‘Climate Action Tracker’ website, to coincide with the ‘UN Climate Change Conference’ being held in Durban during November/December 2011.

The site is an independent science-based assessment, which tracks the emission commitments and actions of UN countries. Providing up-to-date assessment of individual national pledges, the website is designed to help users reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

To view the website please visit:

Fab-Phonics iPad App Review from A4CWSN Australia

‘Apps for Children with Special Needs’, or ‘A4CWSN’ as they are often better known, are a community committed to providing parents and educators with more information about Apps for the iPad and other such devices, that can benefit children with special needs in the home and school environment. Veronika Walshe is an administrator for the A4CWSN Australia Facebook page and here’s what she had to say about The ‘Fab-Phonics’ series of apps:

“Up, Up and Away is a wonderful app, I use it daily. This is the first one I brought and I brought the others soon after. My child just loves it, and there is a bit of humour in it as well – which always gets a laugh. This is just a great app. If your child is learning CVC words, really consider buying this and the others in the series.

…Please keep up the great work with these apps, they are really making a difference to our children’s lives.”

Many thanks to Veronika for her kind words. Please click here view the A4CWSN Australia Facebook page or to download the Fab-Phonics Apps please visit the iTunes store.

Sony Personal 3D Viewer – Digital Foundry Review

15 years ago everyone was banging on about “virtual reality”, a phrase that seemed to be applied to anything from enormous monitor wielding headsets, to almost everything interactive. Thankfully the buzzword has been buried with cyberspace, Y2K and Dirty Den but that doesn’t mean the ideals and notions have gone away. Instead, now they’re actually possible, they have less ambitious and more meaningful names like ‘Personal 3D Viewer’.

Designed to work with the Playstation 3, Sony’s Personal 3D Viewer dispenses with the futurisms, to provide a viewing experience that often fails leaves most company’s concept departments. When worn, the device provides two 720p OLED monitors, one for each eye, replicating the 3D cinema experience and proving ideal for 3D movies and gaming. Costing around £700, the headsets aren’t cheap but for those with plenty of disposable cash, this surely has to be the ‘must-have’ gadget of the year.

For the full review please visit the Digital Foundry website.

Sony PlayStation Vita European Launch Line-Up Revealed

The early days for any console can be a tricky time for hardware companies. On one hand you have a fantastic and powerful new system but on the other, actual software to play on it can be a little thin on the ground. The PlayStation Vita, Sony’s successor to the PSP, looks to buck this trend.

Sony has just announced the first party launch games for its new handheld and it’s an impressive line-up that includes killer apps such as ‘Uncharted: Golden Abyss’, ‘MotorStorm RC’ and ‘WipEout 2048’. With a system rumoured to be almost as powerful as the PS3, could this be the device to knock the iPhone off it’s portable gaming perch?

The full line-up includes:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
WipEout 2048
Reality Fighters
Little Deviants
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Everybody’s Golf
Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Hustle Kings
MotorStorm RC
Top Darts
Super StarDust Delta

With some impressive 3rd party games on the way too, Sony’s handled could truly be a thing of beauty – check out the mouth watering trailer for ‘Uncharted: Golden Abyss’ below:

BETT Award Website Finalist 2012

We are very proud to annouce that the National Education Network & E2BN’s ‘Gallery’ website has been short listed for a 2012 BETT Award. The site, designed and programmed by Gooii Nottingham, has been selected in the ‘Digital Collections and Resource Banks’ category, with the winners to be announced January 2012.

To view the site visit:

The Fab-Phonics ‘Up, Up and Away’, ‘Where’s Whatsit’ and ‘Space Blasters’ Apps for iPhone and iPad

The Fab-Phonics iPhone and iPad apps are going from strength to strength, with 3 more exciting releases. The new apps see our team of superheroes flying, changing into different objects and venturing into outer space.

Designed to help teach young children to read by building fluency in reading and spelling simple three-letter, consonant-vowel-consonant words, the Fab-Phonics apps are proving a big hit with children, parents and teachers alike.

Adobe Says Goodbye to Flash Mobile

Some sites are wrongly suggesting Adobe has abandoned Flash, it hasn’t. What Adobe has announced is they’ll no longer be developing Flash for mobile browsers, which is something very different indeed.

Adobe will now be focussing on developing HTML5 software that incorporates all the Flash features we love (and hopefully leaving out the bugs and ones we hate) into new applications. An early demonstration of this software was showcased in the preview release of ‘Adobe Edge’, their HTML5 animation tool. How advanced the final software will be and the price is shrouded in mystery but if Adobe get these things right, they could once again help change the face of how we create web content.

So the big question is, does this mean the end for Flash desktop? The answer is no, not for now at least. Currently Flash offers designers and developers the ability to create content rich software, games and applications that can be delivered online far quicker and cheaper than via any other web platform.

Like any good software house we use all the technologies available to us and pick the best one for each job. Thankfully fewer websites are being built in Flash, with the software instead being used to create interactive applications that anyone can view – as long as you’re not on an iPhone or iPad and if you are, we can build you a very nice app for that.

UMIS ‘Search The Hidden Collections’ Website

Scottish universities hold a high proportion of Scotland’s nationally important collections – more than 1.8 million items. The Revealing the Hidden Collections website gives information about all the material through almost 2000 detailed descriptions of collections and an increasing number of records of individual items and collections, making available all records through a single search maintained by the Culture Grid.

The website was designed and programmed by Gooii Nottingham and can be viewed at: