Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

BBC Live Music Event In Nottingham

BBC Radio Nottingham’s new music program The Beat will be hosting a live music event tomorrow, Saturday 21st August, in city centre. The bands include Gallery 47, Nina Smith, Frontiers and Tokyo Green who will all be broadcast live from Nottingham’s Market Square which has been designed to replicate a traditional British beach for the summer holidays.

For more info visit the BBC website

Eating out in Nottingham

This Is Nottingham have opened their mouths and filled their bellies and reviewed hundreds of places to eat and drink in Nottingham. It’s a thriving city with so much choice, so it’s great to have something comprehensive to help us hungry people choose the right places to stuff our faces.

To read the reviews visit:

HTML 5 Test – How Good Is Your Browser?

Great find by, how good is your browser at rendering HTML 5? ‘HTML 5 test’ puts your browser through its paces and scores on features such as parsing rules, video support, audio and web apps. I’ve run some tests and Apple’s Safari 5.0.1 comes out top with 208 points out of a possible 300. Next up is my browser of choice, Google Chrome with 197 points, followed by Firefox 3.6.8 with a disappointing 139 points.  I also tested the site on the iPhone 4’s Safari browser, which scored a very respectable 185 points, bettering Firefox by quite a way. Boo to Firefox but don’t feel too bad Mozilla fans, Microsoft IE8 on the PC scored a pathetic 27/300 – though IE9 should address these issues.

Forgetting IE8, all browsers tested scored 22/27 for Video, 20 points for Audio and 14 points for Web Apps. So all equal in those respects.

To test your browser visit:

Sony Announce Official Playstation Move UK Pricing

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect controller has been hogging the news but at £129 and requiring 6ft of space it might not be for everyone. Sony are also trying to ape Nintendo’s success with their new Move controller. Official prices have been announced and the Playstation Move will retail at £35, with the required Playstation Eye camera costing £25. There’s also an optional sub-controller, much like the Wii’s Nunchuck, that will set you back another £25. A cost-saving Move starter kit will be available, including the motion controller, Eye camera and demo disc for a reasonable £50. As motion-controlled games are no fun on your own, you’ll no doubt want to double the fun, weighing in at £85 for two Move contrllers and an Eye camera, or £125 if you want to throw the sub-controllers into the mix.

The Playstation Move will be out on 15th September 2010, move on over to the Playstation website for more info

The New Mac Pro 12 Core Badboy!

Apple have announced their new range of Mac Pros at the top of their range, boasting a whopping 12 cores of processing power. Apple are calling it the “fastest Mac ever” and it’s a Mac so it’s going to spank anything else on the market with a similar spec.

Cost up your dream computer and you may need to steady yourself but, as a Mac Pro user myself, this is going to be a computer that will last you years before you even have to think about buying another. The Mac Pro is also the easiest computer to upgrade, no need to worry about unplugging something you shouldn’t or if it’s properly connected, RAM and HDDs just slot right in. It’s a beautiful piece of design inside and out.

The new Mac Pro will be available in August, for more info and the full spec visit:

Official Xbox 360 Kinect Price Announced

Microsoft have finally ended months of speculation and announced their new Xbox 360 Kinect controller will retail at £129.99. The package also includes the game ‘Kinect Adventures’. A quick look at the online retailers shows the big guns like Game and Amazon are selling Kinect at the full asking price, while appear to be the cheapest at £124.86. For me it’s cost prohibitive; I’m sure the controller is amazing but with games offering a similar functionality to Wii ones I never play, I think even the gadget freak in me will need to pass until the eventual, and inevitable, price drop.

Microsoft have also announced a new version of the Xbox 360 Slim console, to replace the existing Arcade pack. The new console sports all the great new features of the updated console but with 4gb of onboard memory instead of a 250gb. For the savvy gamers out there, if you add your own HDD, at £149.99 rrp this could be the console to go for.

For more info on Kinect and the new Xbox 360 visit the official Xbox website.

Gooii Websites In Development

With so many interesting projects in development, we thought we’d update you with some of the sites due to go live in the coming months.

First up we have the excellent ‘History’s Heroes?’ for E2BN. You won’t find Batman or Spider-Man on this site but the real life heroes who made their mark on history. One of the greatest and more recent heroes is Alan Turing – considered to be the father of modern computing, Turing helped win World War II and is the inspiration for the famous Apple logo. Also for E2BN we have the brilliant ‘Speech Creator’, a tool that allows students to record and play back their speeches and includes an online teleprompter to help them deliver their presentations.

One of our most popular tools is the innovative Story Creator, an online application that allows children to create their own animated stories. Previous versions have been nominated twice for BETT Awards, and Story Creator 3 will offer loads of exciting new content and features.

Elsewhere we’re developing a website for the University Museums in Scotland. UMIS are a new client and we’ll be using the powerful Culture Grid system to search and return results from their diverse and rich collections.

We’re also building the Student Zone, a new resource section for the Historical Association, and the Readiness ToolKit for Red E Toolkit, which includes some very useful software to help organisations measure their current performance against customisable criteria.

It’s a busy and exciting time here at Gooii and as always we’ll keep you updated with our new sites and projects as they launch.

Katamari For Nottingham

Creator of the Katamari games, Keita Takahashi has been in Nottingham for the past month designing plans for a new play area in Woodthorpe Grange. This is exciting news for Nottingham’s families and is the first of its kind in the world. Speaking to the BBC the innovative designer said “I want it to be something no-one has experienced before… I intend to create a design that fits in with the location. I don’t want to disturb the trees by cutting them down, so instead, I’ve included them as part of the fun of the park.” He goes on to say “What gives me the most joy is seeing people having fun. [Playgrounds and video games] are both fun things. They actually aren’t that different.”

To read the full article skip on over to the BBC Nottingham website.

WordPress Security Advice

For all the brilliance and ease of use, one area WordPress has suffered is its security. Easily customisable, and in some cases just as hackable, this article could be considered something of a godsend. Split into two parts, the article describes what to do if your WordPress site is hacked and advice on how to protect yourself with a “solid security lockdown”.

To view the full article skip on over to the Digging into WordPress website.

BBC Nottingham’s Big Night Out 2010

‘Big Night Out’ always reminds me of the classic Reeves and Mortimer programme, and I’m always disapointed there’s no Man with a Stick, Stott brothers, Wheel of Justice, Novelty Island or Les. What there is however is a beach on Old Market Square, live entertainment, music, free or discounted events, guided and historic walks, ice skating and magic, and you can’t shake a big stick at that.

The launch is on 28th July 2010 at Nottingham Riviera. For more info visit the BBC website.