Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

Plans unveiled for ‘Creative village’ in Nottingham, UK

Website design companies like Gooii are thriving in the city, we have a new Contemporary Arts Centre and there are plans for a ‘Creative Village’. Will this help make Nottingham one of the UK’s leading art and design centre

For more info visit This Is Nottingham

8bit Genius

This clip has been doing huge business on the net this week, very Michel Gondry, PIXELS by Patrick Jean from ONE MORE PRODUCTION.


Follow us on Twitter

You can now follow Nottingham website design company Gooii on Twitter @gooii_design

PC to get Kinect Style Controller

If you’ve ever used Xbox 360 Kinect to control video and other media, you’ll be wondering how long it’ll be before other devices are controlled in this way. Well the wait is actually a lot shorter than anyone could have expected. ASUS have just announced the WAVI Xtion (catchy) for PC, which is being co-developed by PrimeSense, the company that provided some of the technology for Kinect.

ASUS general manager Kent Chien had this to say about the new device “ASUS combines its wireless cross-room solution with PrimeSense’s simple, intuitive, gesture-based control technology to allow users to enjoy and share PC content on TV with gestures.”

The WAVI Xtion is due for release the first half of this year, for more info visit:

2010 BETT Awards – Gooii work with E2BN to create two shortlisted websites

We are proud to announce that two of our websites, designed and built for E2BN (The East of England Broadband Network), have been shortlisted for the 2010 BETT Awards.

Myths and Legends has been shortlisted for the “Primary Digital Content” award. This very popular and much loved story website receives thousands of submissions each year from all over the world using our Flash-based ‘Story Creator’ application.

Cookit has been shortlisted in the “Secondary, FE & Skills Digital Content” category. Visited by hundreds of students daily, Cookit is a lively and engaging, healthy eating website allowing students to publish their own recipes in text or media.

We are very proud to have worked with E2BN to have produced two finalist nominations this year and look forward to the announcement of the results in January.

BBC – Blue Peter Appeal ‘Mission Nutrition’ Website

Produced in conjunction with The BBC, Save the Children, ContinYou and The Federation of City Farms and Gardens, Mission Nutrition aims to put two million meals on plates for children around the world.

Aimed at 6-12 year olds, the website allows users to view videos, download fundraising packs and add their own bring-and-buy sales to the interactive Mission Nutrition map. The site was designed and programmed entirely in-house and is fully updateable via a Content Management System.

Royal Geographical Society – Who Do We Think We Are?

The Who do we think we are? educational programme engages primary and secondary school teachers in the exploration of identity, diversity and citizenship with children and young people – in their schools, local communities and nationally.

After a successful launch in 2008, Gooii were commissioned to update the site for 2009.

BBC & JISC – Century Share

Project Partners: Knowledge Integration Ltd (Lead), The Collections Trust, Museum of London, DJ Alchemi Ltd

Gooii were commissioned to design and develop the user interface for a new ‘time focused’ online service for the BBC. Century Share enables users to access content from across trusted sources by time, with our approach being to develop an interactive timeline graph comprised of the data itself, allowing users to explore the results or drill down further by decade, year and by month.

Working closely with Knowledge Integration and their powerful search technology, we developed a unique and interesting way to explore the temporal data.

The Beta interface is currently under evaluation.

N Power: ‘Little Green Fingers’ Games

This series of games were commisioned by Kid’s Connections for N Power’s ‘Little Green Fingers’ website. Aimed at 4-7 year olds, the games mix a simple interface with a bright, engaging design to inspire young children through the science of gardening and the power of the earth’s natural energy.

The Fab-Phonics now on Teachit Primary

Due to popular demand Gooii have produced ‘The Fab Phonics – Explore CVCs’ web version, available exclusively on Teachit Primary. Each spelling game now includes over 50 phonetic sounds and illustrations, with Teachit Primary members receiving a special discount on CD-ROM version too.

View ‘The Fab-Phonics – Explore CVCs’ on Teachit Primary