Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video


My nephew, 18 months old and already a minor (hoho) celebrity on YouTube. Filmed on a recent trip to NY I think jetlag got the better of him. Ahhhh.

Gooii Design this Year’s Blue Peter Appeal Website

Gooii are proud to have designed and built this year’s Blue Peter Appeal 2008 website, ‘Mission Nutrition’.

Gooii on the BBC Preferred Supplier List

Gooii are pleased to announce that we have been placed on the BBC’s preferred supplier list.

Summer Blockbusters

Well we’ve had the big 3 and here is Phil Gooii’s Unofficial Scorecard.

Ironman – 8/10
The Incredible Hulk – 7/10
The Dark Knight – 10/10

It’s enough to make me want to buy a Blu-Ray player, but not quite.

Historical Association Website

The Historical Association is the national voice for history, and Gooii were the preferred design company to consolidate their web presence, giving their existing site a complete overhaul with a new design, Content Management System and eCommerce functionality.

The website already offers over 1000 downloadable resources including brand new, interactive E-CPD modules. New content is added on a daily basis making this a lively and engaging community website.

Interactive Wiiteboard [SIC]

Using a remote controller from the Nintendo Wii and few dollars of additional hardware, new tech genius Johhny Lee has produced an Interactive Whiteboard for under $50. This could prove a very cost effective way of getting interactive whiteboards into schools around the world. He’s also produced a 3-D head mounted viewer which is equally impressive.

To find out more about Johhny Lee’s Wiimote projects visit:

Bird Box Project 2008

Bird Box is back. The SEGfL Bird box project is providing schools with an opportunity to share video and data streams collected from nesting boxes fitted with video cameras and other data gathering equipment. Bird Box Project 2008 is underway and is already shaping up to be the best year yet.

To find out more or to view the webcams visit:

‘Who Do We Think We Are?’ Site Goes Live

The ‘Who Do We Think We Are?’ educational programme engages primary and secondary school teachers in the exploration of identity, diversity and citizenship with children and young people – in their schools, local communities and nationally.

The project follows the recent Curriculum Review on Diversity and Citizenship, undertaken by Sir Keith Ajegbo, which recommended that all schools participate in a high profile, national event – titled ‘Who do we think we are? Week’.

Neil Young

I went to see Neil Young play the Manchester Apollo yesterday and rumour has it this year may be his last ever visit to the UK. The gig’s first half was a solo acoustic trip, where Young dithered around the stage, often appearing lost, before selecting which instrument to play his next song. I suspect this was an act, as after a short interval he returned with his band Crazy Horse and rocked with more energy than most bands half his age.

It was an amazing gig but with such a huge body of work, it was inevitable not all of his hits would get an airing. The night’s only let down was a 20 minute guitar solo, that could have been used to squeeze in the four or five classic songs I wish he’d played.