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Google join Augmented Reality race…

12th April 2012

Interestingly Google have joined the race to bring commercial wearable computing to the masses. Project glass is a Google research project which is presumably aiming to use retinal projection technology to make a wearable head mounted display. This is not new tech, in 2010 Brother announced Air Scouter which projects an image onto the retina, in a less stylish looking way to the Google ones. Brother started manufacturing the Air Scouter in 2011. NEC also have some similar technology whichaimed to project real time translations of people’s speech as subtitles over the person.

Apple must also be looking at this technology, as it surely is a “must have” mobile tech of the future. This will be the first time that a computer can be said to be truly Personal, no one else will be able to see the screen.
