Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video
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Holding Off The Lion

21st July 2011

Mac OS X Lion is sitting in my dock, winking at me, waiting to be installed. Despite the great temptation to install, I’m going to hold off for a day or so, as my current copy of Xcode, the software used to build and complile iOS apps, isn’t Lion compatible. In the meantime the Lion compatitble Xcode 4.1 is downloading on our spanking new Mac, to ensure we can code and compile effectively without interrupting our workflow. What I have seen of Lion so far looks very, very good.
