Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

Hotel Room Automation Apps

11th December 2017

Hilton Hotels are adopting more app automation technology to help with hotel room experience.

Firstly there was automation for checking in systems and keyless entry with your phone.  Now his fantastic use of technology is moving forward and can now control and remember all aspects of our preferred room experience; not only lighting and setting our ideal temperature for when we arrive. So you arrive to your hotel, you are booked in and go straight to your room where your most preferred temperature and lighting levels are all set. Gooii are also in discussions with clients who are interested in utilising Amazon Alexa.

Does your business need apps to engage and improve customer loyalty within your business? Contact Gooii today.
