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Rock Band Developers Sold For $50

5th January 2011

Rock Band is a house favourite at Gooii so, after a Christmas spent with Rock Band 3 and the new keyboard peripheral, it’s a bit of a shock to hear that developers Harmonix have been sold for $50. That’s about the same price as a new game. Unfortunately Harmonix, who developed the original Guitar Hero franchise and the excellent Dance Central for Kinect, has been hit by the consumer’s recent lack of interest in the rhythm action genre.

While $50 may seem like a bargain Columbus Nova who purchased the campany from Viacom have taken on all debts associated with the lack of recent sales. Fortunately Harmonix have said they are “hard at work on some unannounced projects that we think you’re going to be pumped about… We are excited to be returning to our roots as an independent and privately-owned studio”

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