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Should Windows 8 be renamed Window 8?

7th December 2012

I really like Windows 7. It’s logical and easy to use. However, I’ve been using Windows 8 recently. I have to say I’ve found it a fairly frustrating experience.

Don’t get me wrong, some of it’s pretty nice, but overall I wish I was back on 7. This article talks about usability (or lack thereof) within the new Microsoft operating system. Some of it is just plain silly.

From the article:

‘One of the worst aspects of Windows 8 for power users is that the product’s very name has become a misnomer. “Windows” no longer supports multiple windows on the screen. Win8 does have an option to temporarily show a second area in a small part of the screen, but none of our test users were able to make this work. Also, the main UI restricts users to a single window, so the product ought to be renamed “Microsoft Window.”‘

Read the full review / article here
