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Sony Announce Official Playstation Move UK Pricing

30th July 2010

Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect controller has been hogging the news but at £129 and requiring 6ft of space it might not be for everyone. Sony are also trying to ape Nintendo’s success with their new Move controller. Official prices have been announced and the Playstation Move will retail at £35, with the required Playstation Eye camera costing £25. There’s also an optional sub-controller, much like the Wii’s Nunchuck, that will set you back another £25. A cost-saving Move starter kit will be available, including the motion controller, Eye camera and demo disc for a reasonable £50. As motion-controlled games are no fun on your own, you’ll no doubt want to double the fun, weighing in at £85 for two Move contrllers and an Eye camera, or £125 if you want to throw the sub-controllers into the mix.

The Playstation Move will be out on 15th September 2010, move on over to the Playstation website for more info
