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Sony PlayStation Vita European Launch Line-Up Revealed

23rd November 2011

The early days for any console can be a tricky time for hardware companies. On one hand you have a fantastic and powerful new system but on the other, actual software to play on it can be a little thin on the ground. The PlayStation Vita, Sony’s successor to the PSP, looks to buck this trend.

Sony has just announced the first party launch games for its new handheld and it’s an impressive line-up that includes killer apps such as ‘Uncharted: Golden Abyss’, ‘MotorStorm RC’ and ‘WipEout 2048’. With a system rumoured to be almost as powerful as the PS3, could this be the device to knock the iPhone off it’s portable gaming perch?

The full line-up includes:

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
WipEout 2048
Reality Fighters
Little Deviants
ModNation Racers: Road Trip
Everybody’s Golf
Escape Plan
Gravity Rush
Hustle Kings
MotorStorm RC
Top Darts
Super StarDust Delta

With some impressive 3rd party games on the way too, Sony’s handled could truly be a thing of beauty – check out the mouth watering trailer for ‘Uncharted: Golden Abyss’ below:
