Website design Nottingham, web programming and development company. Gooii website design Nottingham, web design company, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, Derby, Derbyshire, Leicester, Leicestershire, London, East of England, North of England, South of England, West Country, Wales Scottland, Ireland, UK. We produce, websites, cd-roms, corporate id, logos, design, programming, digital, print, digital, iPhone, app, app design, iPad, mobile, Android, android app design, iOS, Flash, content managements systems, apple, microsoft, charity, education, corporate, VR, Virtual Reality, VR apps, Virtual Reality apps, VR video, virtual reality video

3D Modelling For Virtual Reality

3D Models For Your Website Or Virtual Reality.

Do you work in a museum, in the construction or automotive industry? Would you like to embed 3D models of items within your collections, construction sites or future vehicles on your website? Furthermore, add Virtual Reality as standard? Ask Gooii to help you with improving engagement and bring new possibilities to your website or apps.

Collections Manager

Display your objects in a way that engages and inspires users. If you have any objects where the public are not permitted close quarter access, give then an interactive screen or VR headset. Users can then analyse the object in minute detail and be educated with annotations. Why not publish a new object to your website? It can help attract more visitors to see the object in your collection and not just online or in VR.

Housing Sales Manager

Engage your clients and show them you are a construction company at the cutting edge of online technology. Give your clients visuals of new housing developments. With this technology, they can also view your house styles and have interactive walkthroughs even in Virtual Reality. Inspire them that you are technology leaders.

Vehicle Marketing Manager

Begin a marketing campaign with a teaser of your vehicle under a silk car cover on your website. The animation of the cover can show just a teaser of a corner or stunning edge of a wheel design that, as the launch date arrives, the viewer can pull the covers off the vehicle and inspect every detail, again even in Virtual Reality.

Credit: Object courtesy of Erik Lernestål and The Royal Armoury (Livrustkammaren).

Artificial Intelligence Engine Driving Virtual Reality Experience

AI (Artificial Intelligence) SDK for IBM Watson is now available.

This week we have been experimenting with Artificial Intelligence in our Nottingham office. IBM has released their SDK (Software Development Kit) that allows AI (Artificial Intelligence) to be embedded into iOS and Android apps.

Adding true AI to Apps, Virtual or Augmented Reality experiences is a very exciting technology.  It can really enhance user experience and bring it to a new level.

It makes no difference who or what you are developing for when it comes to AI. There is always a use for AI to improve the overall user experience. Gamers will battle more realistic enemies with unique behaviours each time they play. They will have no knowledge of where they may hide, how they will move nor how their enemy will behave. A perfect example of improvement of gaming is with Gooii’s own Starship Destroyers VR. A fun space blaster game where you have to shoot all the enemy ships and rocks that pass you by. With AI powered ships they can always move differently and change movement based on your style and history of gameplay.

Businesses can now deliver tailored experiences depending on user buying profiling, patterns and demographic data. User experience will also be improved with dynamic trend analysis to help them find what they are looking for faster. This will improve the probability of them making a purchase and returning to the site to use it again.

This technology is always improving and constantly evolving. With influencers such as Apple pushing their ARKit and Google their own version ARCore. If you wish to learn more about IBM Watson you can find it here.

Let Gooii partner with you to deliver this technology to your own applications. So if you are thinking of adding AI to your app or website get in touch with us today.

Data Visualisations For Medical Research

Jisc partners with Gooii to create data visualisations website UI for Medical Research.

Jisc are the UKs higher education (HE) and further education (FE) teaching, learning and research institution. They provide UK universities and colleges with shared digital infrastructure. This includes the super fast Janet fibre optic 400gbits/second network. Jisc inspire and drive the UK to be the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world. They negotiate with publishers on behalf of the UK higher education sector to procure and license affordable digital content. Jisc commissioned Gooii to help with their data visualisations website UI development.

The database is managed by the team at Knowledge Integration in Sheffield. Gooii’s Nottingham office have worked as technology partners with them on many projects previously within the education and heritage sectors. Gooii were the natural choice for this website data visualisation UI work. The brief was to create a set of data visualisations to show large and complex data sets in a clean and concise way. The UI was also required to provide a set of filtering tools specifically targeted to the data set being analysed.

As you can see from the imagery, the vast data sets have been presented in a simple yet powerful user interface. This allows users to easily filter, display and understand their data despite its size. The map allows the user to drill down into data that is shown grouped where large number of results exist.

Once the data selection is complete the user can then collate and present their research logically to their audience. The UI supports desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Gooii Awarded Royal Armouries Website & Blog Redevelopment

Gooii delighted to announce another major website award in 2018.

In the face of challenging competition from some of the biggest digital agencies in the UK, Gooii have been awarded yet another major website project. The prestigious Royal Armouries website and blog redevelopment will now be delivered by our Nottingham team. The new site will be built using bespoke WordPress templates. Furthermore this allows the Royal Armouries to be self-sufficient going forward and provide the capability to manage all content in house with a platform their team are already familiar with.

This award accompanies the status of Gooii being the incumbent supplier for the RA Collections Site. A solution based on CIIM architecture developed with our partners at Knowledge Integration in Sheffield. Gooii designed and built the PHP framework for page rendering. The search interface was also coded in React JS drawing object data from an Elasticsearch index. All content is aggregated from the museum’s collections management system. This solution provides the best in terms of speed, performance and page visibility.

The full press release is available here and you can view the existing RA Collections Site here.

Gooii Nominated in VR Expo Awards for DriveVR

And the nominees are…

Judging is now complete and the results are in. Gooii are very proud to announce we are among the 2018 nominees for the VR Expo Awards for DriveVR.

Commissioned by Safer Roads, part of Warwickshire and West Mercia Police Force, DriveVR uses immersive virtual reality. Key to this is an interactive timeline concept to modify the behaviour of young drivers. DriveVR aims to reduce road accidents and saving lives. DriveVR also scored highly in in-depth user testing and feedback sessions. During these sessions users confirmed the positive impact of the app.

DriveVR has been nominated for both the ‘Immersive Education & Training Award‘ and the ‘Immersive Story Telling Award‘ where we are up against the BBC and Guardian Media Group.

Starship Destroyer VR App – Virtual Reality Game

Virtual Reality Game

Starship Destroyer Virtual Reality Game. It’s the year 3300 and alien invaders are attacking the earth. Play as the planet’s greatest Starship Destroyer. You are also Earth’s last defence against the Hypercons. Destroy the alien spaceships in an intense 8 bit game.

Starship Destroyer VR works with Google Cardboard VR compatible virtual reality headsets. The app has also been optimised for the new Apple iPhone X.

Available for both iPhone and Android.

Starship Destroyer AR

Ever fancied playing Starship Destroyer in Augmented Reality? Where you can see the ships flying around your own living room? Well we’ve done that too, with Starship Destroy AR.

RAF100 Year Anniversary Celebration Website

The Historical Association, Gooii, Institute of Physics and the RAF join forces for RAF100.

As part of a technical team we worked together to deliver RAF100: an exciting, national website project for schools. It centres around the story of the RAF to explore concepts in both history and physics. The project is linked to the RAF’s Centenary in 2018. Participating schools will have the opportunity to contribute to the major, national celebrations planned for Summer 2018.

Schools can perform their own research on their local RAF bases and its activities during this 100 year period. Once complete they can then upload their findings to the website, either text, images or video. Their exciting results are published for all other participants to read. Materials are even logged on interactive maps where viewers can select areas and timelines to filter the results.

Design and coded in-house, the RAF 100 site is built using a Laravel PHP backend with a bespoke front end.

To view this excellent new site visit:


UK Medical Heritage Library

Gooii contracted to deliver UI and data visualisation tools.

UK Medical Heritage Library is a three-year project funded by Jisc and Wellcome Library. It’s a large-scale digitisation of more than 15 million pages of 19th century published works. Wellcome Library is contributing its entire 19th century collection to the UK Medical Heritage Library. This, along with content of the nine partner institutions, will make a valuable resource for the exploration of medical humanities.

The aim has been to create a comprehensive online resource for the history of medicine and related sciences. This will significantly increase the availability of digitised text for teaching, learning and research. Gooii Nottingham worked closely with the Knowledge Integration team throughout the project. Their CIIM middleware presenting a sanitised layer of Elasticsearch data which the UI was built to query and display.

The UK Medical Heritage Library is drawn from university and other research libraries across the UK. The content covers a wide subject area that includes items about medical sciences, consumer health, sport and fitness, diet and nutrition and historical medical practices such as phrenology and hydrotherapy.

The digitisation of this collection significantly extends the digital collections of the Medical Heritage Library, a consortium of American medical libraries.

Gooii data visualisation & UI tools

The project has also developed a set of visualisation tools to support the deeper exploration of the content.

During 2016/17 the project will conduct a number of live ‘idea labs’ to investigate potential tools and data mining techniques to push this innovative project forward in the coming years.


Alexa For Your Business? Contact Gooii Today

Alexa is now moving into your business workspace.

It’s not just a consumer-friendly home device. Alexa is now an intelligent office assistance.  helping you with everyday tasks such as calendar management and connecting you to remote meetings.

A rich API has been included that allows organisations to commission software development companies like Gooii Nottingham voice-enabled products and services, providing context-aware voice experiences for their customers too.

Interested in using Alexa? Contact Gooii today.

Hotel Room Automation Apps

Hilton Hotels are adopting more app automation technology to help with hotel room experience.

Firstly there was automation for checking in systems and keyless entry with your phone.  Now his fantastic use of technology is moving forward and can now control and remember all aspects of our preferred room experience; not only lighting and setting our ideal temperature for when we arrive. So you arrive to your hotel, you are booked in and go straight to your room where your most preferred temperature and lighting levels are all set. Gooii are also in discussions with clients who are interested in utilising Amazon Alexa.

Does your business need apps to engage and improve customer loyalty within your business? Contact Gooii today.